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Can you explain what the self-care cards are?


Our ‘Take a Moment’ self-care card decks feature 24 cards with simple self-care activities on one side, and encouraging affirmations on the other side. The cards are designed to help you take a quick moment away from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind – so you can rest and recharge, away from the to-do list.


You’ll find the cards divided into three different categories, so whether you’d like to unwind and feel CALM, to focus and ENERGISE or to show yourself a little more LOVE, you’re in good hands.


How do I use the self-care cards?


There’s no right or wrong way to use this deck; only what feels right for you. Feel free to modify the activities and use the affirmations however you please.


Shuffle and pick a card at random or read through and select the card that appeals to you in the moment. Make it a habit as part of your morning routine, before bed, on your lunch break, or use ad-hoc whenever you feel like it.


You could sit the cards on your bedside table or work desk, use them as bookmarks, stick them on the fridge, or tuck them away in your handbag, ready to use whenever you need.


What are affirmations and how do I use them?


Don’t be daunted if you’ve never used affirmations before – there’s no right or wrong with these either! Affirmations are simple, short and powerful expressions that aim to affect our conscious and the subconscious mind so that in turn, they affect our behaviour, thinking patterns, habits, and environment.


In other words, when you say, think or even hear positive affirmations, they become thoughts that help to create reality.


You can harness the effect of the affirmations on our cards in many ways - perhaps repeat them to yourself out loud, write them a few times over, use them as journal prompts or glance at them just once – whatever works best for you.


How often should I use the self-care cards?


However often you like! We recommend making it a regular habit in order to maximise their benefit, and the easiest way to build a habit is to do it at the same time each day.


Perhaps you could pick a card first thing in the morning to help set the tone for your day ahead, you might choose one to help you take a moment on your lunch break each day, you might like to select one to help you unwind at the end of the day – or you even might like to do all of the above.


The great thing about the cards is that they are compact in size so you can carry them in your bag wherever you go, and pick out a card at any time you might feel like you need a moment to calm down, to refocus and reenergise or to give yourself a little love.


Can these self-care cards help my mental health?


These cards are not to be used as a substitute for clinical treatment or curing mental health conditions. Instead, we believe they can be used as a powerful tool to help you build regular positive practices and assist your day-to-day mental health - just like any muscle, regular exercises and practice can help you strengthen your mind. We recommend you speak to a health-care professional if you need further mental health assistance.

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