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Our booking terms are non-refundable deposits.


Once you have fully paid for your retreat we do not provide refunds, however, we can look at the possibility of offering a future retreat for you within the next 12 months.


If you become ill the week of the retreat please let us know ASAP - and we can then look to secure a waitlist person for this retreat and we will pop you on a list for the future.


Please note, the Summer House Retreat Venue:
- is a large open space, and only caters for small groups of 8-10 guests max
- provides sanitiser throughout the house and studio.
- has guidelines in place for studio yoga setup use - ie: sanitation will be provided to wipe down mats.

- specifically uses a third-party professional cleaning contractor and third-party professional laundry services (meaning all linens are washed at a high temperature off-site by a laundry service).


Rest assured your health and wellbeing is of absolute priority.


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